Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.

Pre-approving guests

Guests have contacted you about your place, and that’s good! Encourage them to book by sending a pre-approval. They’ll have 24 hours to confirm their reservation. Once they do, you’re both set.

To pre-approve a guest:

Pre-approve a reservation on desktop

  1. Click Messages and open the message from your guest
  2. Tap the reservation
  3. Tap Pre-approve

If a guest hasn’t accepted a pre-approval or your situation has changed, follow the steps above and select Withdraw pre-approval.

Things to know

  • Your listing’s calendar is still marked as available when you pre-approve a guest.
  • You can offer multiple guests a pre-approval for the same dates, just let each guest know that there are other people interested in booking. Once the space is filled, other guests will be automatically notified.
  • Once a pre-approval expires, the guest will need to send another request to book. This will be for the same price as the original pre-approval. If you want to change the price, you need to retract your original pre-approval.
  • Pre-approvals do not override your reservation requirements.
  • Pre-approvals can only be sent for the date range of the guest's inquiry.
  • Pre-approval and special offer reservations won't apply for promotions.

Unblock your calendar

If you don't see the option to pre-approve a guest, it means that your calendar is blocked for some or all of the guest’s reservation dates. Try editing your calendar to show your listing is available. Please note: Airbnb can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.

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